To find out, head back to the classroom and take our science GCSE quiz. The questions are ones used in BBC Bitesize's revision guide for students preparing to take their AQA core science exam. Stories and advice from around the country as 300,000 students Resources shared by the teaching community on TES Resources and selected by TES Science adviser. TES username: docras This c More…ollection is designed to introduce you to examples of the range of revision resources available on the TES resources website GCSE Bitesize, she says, "provides different ways of revising and helps to break up the monotony of what is an onerous and stressful period". For 2006, Bitesize added downloadable MP3s for English and Science, a multi-player revision game, RSS feeds and a Year 10 students were told on Friday that they would be unable to take their science GCSE this week because staff had failed to put them in for it. The embarrassing blunder came to light as youngsters at Backwell School were going through final revision The Book People has launched a dedicated Collins Letts GCSE Revision Shop, bringing together an extensive range of accessible and informative Collins Letts textbooks together in the same place. With maths, English and science textbooks all available from Next week instead of taking the real GCSE papers the children involved will sit mock workload for them but we will put into place a programme of additional science revision sessions within the school day to enable them, to be fully prepared.” .
SCIENCE buff Jaime Van Hunskerken has gained his first GCSE at just 10 years old without doing any revision. The Rochdale schoolboy joined with his mum Daisy to take the exam, both spending last year attending a college class for grown ups. And today There is a drop in the proportion of GCSE exam entries awarded My son did single subject science and got A*s in his physics, chemistry and biology mocks. He worked really hard and did a lot of revision. He ticks all of the boxes as a model student If you’re a student studying for GCSE 9 different BBC Bitesize GCSE iOS apps that could really help out those who are studying right now. All of the following are BBC GCSE Bitesize Last-Minute Learner apps in a variety of subjects, Science The results also showed that more students are taking separate science subjects at GCSE. The number of those taking physics training for the qualifying rounds of Junior Wimbledon with revision. 'I'm really pleased,' she said. 'Wimbledon was just .
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