You’re right that the Arabs don’t understand our Constitution. Hell, they can’t even read! The mainstream media thinks you’re all traitors who don’t understand the Constitution because Republicans invited that Jewish feller from Israel to speak Nairobi (AFP) - Eclipsed by newer, more bloodthirsty and media-savvy global jihadists, Somalia's Shebab militants are struggling to stay relevant. On Saturday the two most rapidly ascendant militant Islamist groups joined forces, in words at least On a day when two llamas running amok in Arizona took over the Internet, a new trending topic hit the web Thursday evening. What color is the dress pictured here? Is it black and blue? Or is it white and gold? Or is it something else? The dress was posted “There is nothing that proves what is being circulated in the media, especially through video clips and footage, that the accused is my son Mohammed, who is being referred to as the alleged executioner of Daesh [ISIS],” Jassem Emwazi explained to the Many conservatives are upset that American Sniper and director Clint Eastwood were (predictably) snubbed at the Oscars; but they shouldn’t be. The fact that a film with an overtly conservative message, directed by an openly conservative pop-culture icon In the automated advertising world, data is king. Consumer information, more than content, determines the price of media, shaping the way ads are bought and sold both nationally and locally. The shift toward programmatic buying has mixed implications for .
Upon taking the microphone herself (just hours after addressing the media on her private email controversy), Clinton — representing Clinton Foundation’s No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project and its part in the Not There campaign — said It's never too late to make an added sacrifice for Lent. For many Catholics and other Christians too, Lent is a time for sacrifice. For those who have given up technology, the struggle is real. A lot of Christians give up social media for Lent, but it isn More media, celebrities and athletes are in the Valley than possibly ever, and they're talking about us Many have wondered where Glendale is, and why their mayor seems to hate the Super Bowl being in his city Others have praised our blossoming arts scene For a group of five students in Introduction to Health Promotion, what started in January as a group project on sexual and reproductive health has turned into a large-scale umbrella initiative focused on changing attitudes toward bystander intervention and .
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