“Science is just so much fun,” the Grade 4 St. Paul Catholic Elementary For the second year in a row the Grade 1 students were invited to be part of the main fair; those students did a “wonder project” sharpening the focus onto a particular "You could make a difference," she tells kids. "You could become a scientist." Pat Pizzo, who helped organize the fair many years ago, himself was inspired by a science-fair project when he was a student at Willow Glen High. A friend's father helped him The learning fair, which takes place every two which I thought was cool.” Fellow fifth-grader Charlie Parisi also had a great time working on his project, an at-home science experiment that dealt with the causes of cavities. “I was just wondering Over the weekend, the Louisville Regional Science and Engineering Fair welcomed students from sixth gained experience at the event. "It gives the kids a really good sense of public speaking (and) project management," Mattei said. Inspired students There are 2.5 jobs for every one science grad, he said, and the more opportunities kids get to pursue their best work in those fields, the better. “They were wonderful, each grade level had projects that stood out,” he said after Thursday's fair. March 10 as part of the 59th Annual Regional Science Fair. Students could enter projects in 12 categories including biochemistry, medicine and health and zoology. Some the students said it was fun to come up with an idea and test their theory. "It took a .
The Chico Science Fair began 31 years ago by chemist Margaret “It’s to encourage kids to be curious about something and then to learn about it.” Each project focuses on the scientific method, the procedure to test their hypothesis, and a conclusion. The girls did the same project for their high school science fair and came in second place but tweaked their "I really like being able to meet kids from other schools," Franciscus said. "I feel like I learn something by seeing what they're interested KANAWHA - Becky Haxton was impressed after just the first board. The board was part of a display for a student's science fair project. "They're really cool. I love these projects, I love seeing them," Haxton said while looking around the gym during the "If there aren't enough kids, it's going to shut down and that's going to be the end of the Rochester Science Fair," Liza said. Both said creating a project for the fair gives students what's called 'project based learning.' "So, instead of getting a .
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